ARTSynergy: an inclusive arts platform in Central Queensland

Published On: 20 January 2020Categories: NDIS, News

Karen Jones is a Yeppoon-based artist, inspired by the natural world.

Her stunning works have been represented in galleries and sought out for commissions.

Karen has multiple sclerosis and uses funding from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for support, tools and therapies to keep her active and enjoying the art she loves.

Karen knows firsthand how disability can make an artist’s journey more difficult, especially in rural and regional areas. Now, she’s creating opportunities and community for other artists with disability.

Karen created ARTSynergy, an online portal providing a place for artists with disability to connect, find resources and opportunities, and share their work.

There are also plans for art exhibitions showcasing the diverse work of artists with disability.

As part of her research before starting ARTSynergy, Karen visited a Brisbane-based arts organisation for people with disability.

Karen says the opportunities created by organisations like this are incredibly valuable, but it can be hard for people outside the metro areas to access the same opportunities.

“Queensland being what it is, very large geographically with the largest concentration of people living in the South East corner, means that we in the regional areas do not always have the same representation or access to arts programs,” Karen says.

The next step was a series of community forums in Clermont, Emerald and Yeppoon to meet regional artists, people with disability and support groups, to find out what local communities were looking for.

From here, Karen says turning to the internet was an obvious choice.

“One outstanding key point was that artists and supporters wanted a website where they could access information relevant to their region,” she said.

Distance can be a barrier to accessing arts opportunities for people in regional and rural areas, especially if disability makes transport difficult. By taking the community online, more people are able to join in on their own terms, access information and resources, and take an active role in their own artistic development.

“There is a powerhouse of creativity amongst us,” Karen says of rural and regional artists with disability.

“And there are always opportunities to let art’s light shine.”

Carers Queensland can support you to find out more about the NDIS, to apply for funding and to help you get started with the NDIS.

If you have a disability but are not eligible for the NDIS, Carers Queensland can also help you identify and link to options for support in your community.

To find out more about how the NDIS and Local Area Coordination program can work for you, contact Carers Queensland on 1300 999 636, or