What is Harmony Week?

Harmony Week is dedicated to celebrating our cultural diversity and promoting inclusiveness, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone.

This year, Harmony Day will be celebrated on Thursday 21 March and is part of a week-long celebration, recognising the diversity of Australians and bringing together people from different backgrounds.

During 18 – 24 March, you can participate in Harmony Week events and wear orange to show your support.

Everyone belongs at Carers Queensland

The theme for Harmony Week is Everyone belongs.

Carers Queensland serves communities made up of a rich tapestry of cultures and we are strongly committed to supporting diversity within our workplace, our community of carers and people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

We celebrate diversity and inclusion in all its forms and we're dedicated to providing a safe and welcome place.

We proudly embrace Harmony Day celebrations that foster inclusiveness and respect and acknowledge the valuable contributions of our First Nations and multicultural communities.

Making life better in a nation where everyone belongs.

We are a diverse nation!

Did you know these fascinating facts?

Let’s Celebrate Harmony Day. Get Involved!

The Department of Home Affairs leads national celebrations for Harmony Week and provides a range of downloadable resources and information on how to get involved on their website.

Celebrate our cultural diversity by living the Harmony Week message everyone belongs in your workplace, community, school, sporting group, local councils and state governments.

Our Diverse Workplace

Carers Queensland is strongly committed to creating a safe and inclusive workplace for all our employees.

We are accredited as an Inclusive Workplace by the Diversity Council of Australia with Rainbow Tick and Safeguarding Standard Accreditations.

Find a place where you belong at Carers Queensland.

Proud to be an Inclusive Employer

We currently have 584 employees, of which 32 have identified as Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander and 84 have identified as culturally and linguistically diverse.

We’re proud of our staff and their contribution to making Carers Queensland a place for everyone.

Ruth and Mona share their thoughts on what it means for them to work at Carers Queensland.


We have a key role in ensuring people with disability, their families and carers from multicultural backgrounds reach their full potential and participate in all aspects of community life. That's why we’re bringing multicultural communities together to share stories of people and families living well with disability and their participation in community life to reduce the stigma around disability.


Working with people and families with disability from multicultural backgrounds remains one of the focus areas for our local area coordination partner in the community program.


Istarlin's Story

Istarlin Ismail is a refugee, advocate for the Brisbane Somali community and a mother of children with disabilities. She advocates for her children and Somali disability community.

Esterina's Story

Locking herself away from the world was the only way South Sudanese refugee Esterina felt she could live as the mother of a child with a disability in her community. Now Esterina speaks her truth after years hiding from the world.


Tune into our special Harmony Week podcast, ‘Creating Belonging and Inclusion in Community'. We talk to two people with disability from culturally diverse backgrounds, and the CEO of Multicultural Australia, Christine Castley.